Imprint Magazine Volume 52 No.1

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Creative spaces I: What lies beneath Jan Hogan

Creative spaces II: Digging deep Wendy McGrath

Insight: Across the seas Jenny Sanzaru-Nishimura

Ex libris: Own your own Mark Ferson

On process: Imagined cities from here to Timbuktu Elizabeth Cross


Alex Lundy Andrew Stephens

In Conversation: Rebecca Mayo under the gaze of an ancient tree Andrew Stephens

Ruth Faerber Sasha Grishin

Colin Holden Lisa Sullivan


The Sell: Australian Advertising 1790s to 1990s Peter Haynes


(Cover image: Rebecca Mayo, Porous Borders, Impermeable Boundaries (detail), 2017, hemp, wool, natural dyes, sand, 130 x 360 x 38 cm. Photo: Matthew Stanton.)
